Thursday, 29 August 2019

When they tell you bitcoin is going down

When they tell you bitcoin is going down submitted by /u/lil-zucci
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Exclusive: Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets - Reuters

Exclusive: Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets - Reuters submitted by /u/eragmus
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Bitcoin Cash Blockchain-Based Game RealmX Readies to Launch: An Interview with Its Creator

Bitcoin Cash Blockchain-Based Game RealmX Readies to Launch: An Interview with Its Creator submitted by /u/AD1AD
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[Showerthought] Any devs out there ever think about making a decentralized ticketmaster?

[Showerthought] Any devs out there ever think about making a decentralized ticketmaster? submitted by /u/____candied_yams____
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Wallet Contact to Contact Communication

Afaik there are no wallets that implement such a feature. I think this could be extremely useful in coordinating between payer and payee. End to end encrypted communications inside BCH wallets, anyone?

submitted by /u/fribitz
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A timeline of major crypto-exchange hacks, and a reason to use your own hardware Wallet.

submitted by /u/licklicklickmy3balls
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[The Core Narrative] Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Peer-to-Peer Digital Gold 2.0, Settlement Layer for BTC Liquid.

These idiots like Samson Mow and u/nullc are clearly being paid to help kill Bitcoin (BTC) and crypto in general.

I just don't get why anyone is falling for this new stupid narrative that BTC was meant as anything other than low fee, high speed, digital cash.

submitted by /u/Mancowpig
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