Friday, 30 August 2019

in 2015, a user replies to Andreas Antonopolous: "@aamtonmop have you looked at the LN? might address transaction congestion vs block size increase." // Fast forward to 2019, over FOUR years later: Still waiting. LN still isn't relieving any meaningful congestion.

in 2015, a user replies to Andreas Antonopolous: "@aamtonmop have you looked at the LN? might address transaction congestion vs block size increase." // Fast forward to 2019, over FOUR years later: Still waiting. LN still isn't relieving any meaningful congestion. submitted by /u/BitcoinIsTehFuture
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Reminder that 10 minutes is just the AVERAGE time between blocks

This is either an example of the law of averages at play or a lot of new hash power is joining the network.

submitted by /u/jdkeith
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ICYMI Samsung added BTC. To galaxy s10 wallet

ICYMI Samsung added BTC. To galaxy s10 wallet submitted by /u/Franzferdinan51
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Finished reading "The Bitcoin Standard"

Never had so many questions in my life. Thank you Saifedean!

submitted by /u/Panstone98
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CME Bitcoin Futures Now Average $370 Million In Trading Per Day

CME Bitcoin Futures Now Average $370 Million In Trading Per Day submitted by /u/TrueCastleX
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USE Bitcoin

USE Bitcoin submitted by /u/bitstamperio
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Report: No Bank Account Needed to Transfer China’s Upcoming CBDC This article was originally posted on Cointelegraph - an independent publication covering cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, the internet of finance and the next gen [...]

Report: No Bank Account Needed to Transfer China’s Upcoming CBDC
This article was originally posted on Cointelegraph - an independent publication covering cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, the internet of finance and the next gen [...]

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