Thursday, 19 September 2019

Why is the subreddit r/btc mostly bitcoin cash while in their intro everything appears to be bitcoin?

Why is the subreddit r/btc mostly bitcoin cash while in their intro everything appears to be bitcoin?

I feel their mods try to mix BTC with BCH for unethical reasons. Beginners may get tricked thinking these two are the same thing.

submitted by /u/coinsCA
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Who wants some ┗(°0°)┛ tokens?!

We need more ┗(°0°)┛ in our lives.

Paste your slp address for some ┗(°0°)┛ tokens

❤️ u/ToTheMoonGuy

submitted by /u/cgcardona
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A simple way to make sure data tx's don't crowd out cash tx's:

When building blocks, have two pools: tx's with OP_return data and tx's without. Always give first priority to tx's without OP_return data - even if their fees are lower than those with OP_return data.

That way, no cash tx will ever be crowded out by data tx's, even if blocks become full.

There could be a simple filter to keep SLP tokens in the cash-pool (or whatever other exceptions miners want to make).

That way, everybody is still free to use the blockchain however they want, but in times of high-usage, users might have to wait a little longer for a data-tx.

submitted by /u/Steve-Patterson
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Ethereum network is now twice as popular as Bitcoin and yesterday it took 11% more fees - so why is Bitcoin worth so much more?

Ethereum network is now twice as popular as Bitcoin and yesterday it took 11% more fees - so why is Bitcoin worth so much more? submitted by /u/ProofHomework
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This is an important thread and gets the very heart of why Bitcoin Cash's tokens/contracts, though not as general-purpose as ETH's, are particularly well suited for Non-Custodial Financial Services.

True Non-Custodial Financial Services actually cannot be built on Ethereum due to its balance transaction model, as opposed to Bitcoin's UTXO (multiple input/output model). NCFS providers will choose Bitcoin.

An enterprise is non-custodial when funds move DIRECTLY from buyer to seller (and the NCFS provider is paid directly by one or both parties as well)

If you fund a contract (ETH smart contract, which is different than a BCH script contract) and the contract then routes funds, that isn't non-custodial. Not legally at least.

submitted by /u/cgcardona
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The Case for a Decentralized Financial (DeFi) Infrastructure Built on Sound Money

The Case for a Decentralized Financial (DeFi) Infrastructure Built on Sound Money submitted by /u/xiaohanzhu
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Join us to learn more about cryptocurrencies in an informal chit chat session and why this is an insurance against hyperinflation (or inflation) this Friday in Singapore! You can pay with Bitcoin Cash for the food and drinks!

Join us to learn more about cryptocurrencies in an informal chit chat session and why this is an insurance against hyperinflation (or inflation) this Friday in Singapore! You can pay with Bitcoin Cash for the food and drinks! submitted by /u/1BCH
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