I'll bite. Taproot and sighash_no_input offer several privacy improvements, but they do not provide perfect privacy because -- even once we have those technologies -- the simplest and easiest way to use bitcoin will still leak your privacy, because it will still involve sending coins from your address to someone else's address, revealing a lower bound on how much money you own and a trail of breadcrumbs backward through the blockchain. Using bitcoin privately will still require using lightning and coinjoins, meaning there are extra steps and added risks. Moreover, even if you use all of these technologies -- taproot, lightning channels with sighash_no_input, and coinjoins -- chain surveillance companies will still be able to get information about a user's inputs, including amounts owned, when a user opens a channel, closes a channel, and/or when a user's coins exit a coinjoin. At that point, all it takes is sending your coins to one service that knows your identity (or knows someone who knows someone who knows your identity), and your privacy is compromised again.
TLDR: these technologies help, especially if you use them to gain your privacy and then avoid making any privacy mistakes/tradeoffs in the future, but they don't provide perfect privacy yet.
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