Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Buy Now

Buy Now submitted by /u/matteodevenutotrade
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PODCAST Naomi Brockwell is an Anarchist, Hates Scams, and Prefers to be Paid in Cryptocurrency

PODCAST Naomi Brockwell is an Anarchist, Hates Scams, and Prefers to be Paid in Cryptocurrency submitted by /u/afriendofsatoshi
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ebp4fc/podcast_naomi_brockwell_is_an_anarchist_hates/

The real problem with listing HEX on bitcoin.com

A lot of people assume the market is rational, and it isn't. Markets swing up and down all the time on irrational exuberance. Also, tons of people lose their money because they see a trusted institution or brand list a token, then go all in on said token. The logic (in their mind at least) is that if a reputable site/brand/exchange lists a coin it must be legit.

The HEX coin looks like a way worse Bitconnect. I was around when people like Trevon James and that other guy, Craig Grant and others, they were posting Bitconnect everywhere on reddit/twitter/youtube/steemit all the time and sucking all these people in. They used their previous credibility they built up to suck people in.

Once they have credibility and a fan base of "suckers" to suck money from they do it. By Roger allowing HEX to be listed on Bitcoin.com it is taking advantage of people who "trust authority figures/instituions", who are going to end up losing a ton of money on an obvious scam project. The project itself literally makes no sense and promises a 10,000% return, but if you read it it says later in the same website that if more people stake stuff you make less money and it could go as low as 10%.

submitted by /u/DecentralizedNews_YT
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ebp9lj/the_real_problem_with_listing_hex_on_bitcoincom/

Ciphertrace Says Banks Unknowingly Process $2 Billion in Crypto per Year

Ciphertrace Says Banks Unknowingly Process $2 Billion in Crypto per Year submitted by /u/JonyRotten
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ebo37k/ciphertrace_says_banks_unknowingly_process_2/

⚡ C-Lightning 0.8 released: multi-part payments, Bitcoin mainnet by default, custom onion messages and more

⚡ C-Lightning 0.8 released: multi-part payments, Bitcoin mainnet by default, custom onion messages and more submitted by /u/bitbug42
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BCH has to participate in DeFi or it will hinder its competitiveness as cash. DAOs & native collatarized debt based tokens generating interest, Nimbus can do this. Greater utility increases value, which heightens security, in turn improving utility, this is the virtuous cycle of Bitcoin.

BCH has to participate in DeFi or it will hinder its competitiveness as cash. DAOs & native collatarized debt based tokens generating interest, Nimbus can do this. Greater utility increases value, which heightens security, in turn improving utility, this is the virtuous cycle of Bitcoin. submitted by /u/VeritasSapere
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ebnonc/bch_has_to_participate_in_defi_or_it_will_hinder/

Just completed Bitcoin Collector with 0 deaths in 4 minutes and 18 seconds (the recording is sped up)

Just completed Bitcoin Collector with 0 deaths in 4 minutes and 18 seconds (the recording is sped up) submitted by /u/KingNanoBunny
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