Saturday, 22 February 2020

$30M BCH sim hack.

is my address, goddamnit. It's only had 3 confirmations, if any miners/the community can help somehow, I've got the private keys. Help help help.. big reward obviously.

submitted by /u/zhoujianfu
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Those damn charts again.

Those damn charts again. submitted by /u/rsincognito
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Why I support the IFP despite the community seeming to hate it and how to fix it—an approach based on principles

Why I support the IFP despite the community seeming to hate it and how to fix it—an approach based on principles submitted by /u/eyeofpython
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In Crisis, There Is Opportunity.

I hope by writing this, it will be somewhat helpful to the Bitcoin Cash community. The IFP, for good or bad, for anyone observing closely, is telling us so many things. There is a saying in Chinese, “In crisis, there are opportunities.”

And indeed, during this IFP crisis, there are so many opportunities.

I have always thought of Bitcoin Cash as the people’s money and during this crisis, I was not disappointed. The people are willing to band together and resist when they feel Bitcoin Cash is moving in a different direction than what they expected. You don’t have this in BTC because BTC is entirely centralized by Blockstream. This incident is a great opportunity to show the world that Bitcoin Cash is as decentralized as can be compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Even better, the passion from the Bitcoin Cash community has been overwhelming. This is a great signal for a cryptocurrency, particularly because the value of a cryptocurrency is strongly driven by its community. I think there is saying in tech startup like, “It’s better to have 100 loyal customers than 1000 ordinary customers.”

During crisis, there are opportunities and during this month, we can see some people stepping up and taking responsibilities to fix the crisis. That is super amazing. It means people care about Bitcoin Cash more than we think. What you want in times of crisis are leaders who would think, “Ok, although I didn’t cause this problem, but I am taking responsibility to fix it anyway”. These are the type of things that highly productive people do and it’s great to have them in the Bitcoin Cash community.

At the same time, there were some things that I should have said earlier, but I didn’t. Before the situation even escalated to the IFP, I knew ABC needed funding and I suggested to Amaury that he doesn’t need to pay me anything, I can voluntarily help find a VC for them to solve their financial situation. However, the VC would likely expect some things in return. Amaury told me that by doing that, ABC would be no different from Blockstream and he doesn’t want to go down that route.

I do not think Amaury is a bad person, just like I would like to think that Peter Rizun and Andrew Stone are decent folks as well. Jonald is also a great person. Actually, there are lots of good talented people in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, which was what attracted me to Bitcoin Cash in the first place. I think we need to recognize that we are playing in the same team and it is not productive for us to make false accusations against someone else in the heat of the moment. For an outsider, such false accusations won’t just look bad on both parties, but it also looks bad on Bitcoin Cash in general.

There are actually many positives one can take from the IFP incident if one care to look closely. They could see that the Chinese miners are willing to take drastic actions (not just empty words), if necessary, for the long term benefit of Bitcoin Cash. In hindsight, it is very easy for others to point fingers at them. Given that these Chinese miners with ABC's help made Bitcoin Cash happened (without them, we may not even be here today), them miners funded the infrastructure since 2017 (3 years now), invested millions into Bitcoin Cash, I would really prefer not to be so harsh on them.

Unfortunately, the IFP incident reminds me of the BCH/BSV fork where people once on the same team started turning against each other aggressively. I really hope we can be more tolerant and remain united after the incident has passed. It is also obvious to me that there are paid trolls and saboteurs trying to divide us and encouraged us to fight internally against each other, let’s not fall into their trap.

In crisis, there are opportunities. Will you use this opportunity to learn something or step up? That is a question we all may think about.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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Hello everyone, I have an important question.

I had this idea for a long time, and I finally want to share it with you guys. In my country, Cryptocurrencies are marked as something dangerous, illegal and unknown, and I just have an urge to prove people wrong, so I have this idea. I want to make presentations about Cryptocurrencies in my city, but using a space for it costa minimum about 300-400 euros. Do you guys want me to make Patreon so we can do it as a community. Open for any kind of discussion.

submitted by /u/Pickle086
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Q: Why do people continually try to fuck up Bitcoin?

A: Short term reward in fiat.

submitted by /u/zeptochain
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The development fund

The development fund diverts funds that are supposed to go towards mining, to something else. The funds are not paid by the miners, but everyone holding some amount of Bitcoin Cash

However these funds are distributed, it will form an organisazion where parasites will elbow themselves in, and the funds will enable them to steer the future direction of the money system.

This is exactly what we want to avoid, and why bitcoin was started in the beginning, as an alternative to current money systems.

submitted by /u/ErdoganTalk
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