Tuesday, 25 February 2020

NOOB Here: BTC/Corona Basics

I've been trying to follow comments regarding how BTC prices will respond to the worsening global financial picture, but I'm hearing opposing opinions (I suspect from fiat diehards.)

I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on crypto. I'm sorry if this has been beaten to death, but do you think it's a good time to jump in, especially with today's stock market pummeling? Thanks.

submitted by /u/apollo11junkie
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f950di/noob_here_btccorona_basics/

Btrash Be cash meme

Btrash Be cash meme submitted by /u/jonald_fyookball
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f93abm/btrash_be_cash_meme/

Wall St. *thinks* it knows what a swing is.

Wall St. *thinks* it knows what a swing is. submitted by /u/CaptainPatent
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We have moved the Bitcoin ATM in Cape Town to our own premises and we now offer lower fees plus extended operating hours. The Bitcoin ATM is now close to the V&A Waterfront.

We have moved the Bitcoin ATM in Cape Town to our own premises and we now offer lower fees plus extended operating hours. The Bitcoin ATM is now close to the V&A Waterfront. submitted by /u/Ankerid
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I don't have any interest in working on a system that boils down to a complicated and expensive replacement for wire transfers...You and Gregory could create a separate alt-coin that has hard block size caps and see how things play out over the long term."

I don't have any interest in working on a system that boils down to a complicated and expensive replacement for wire transfers...You and Gregory could create a separate alt-coin that has hard block size caps and see how things play out over the long term." submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f911uo/i_dont_have_any_interest_in_working_on_a_system/

Halving code

What exactly makes BTC price increase so much the year after the BTC halving? Is there code that we do not know of that is correlated with the price? For example, When Bitcoin falls 5%, most digital coins tend to fall 5% or more as well. It makes me think there is code that we do not know of that creates increase of price even if being sold in high amounts. (yes i know how market data works)

submitted by /u/BlueprintQuant
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f91mrz/halving_code/

Did Bitcoin get better? Roger Ver now claims BTC transactions are “unfairly” cheap

Did Bitcoin get better? Roger Ver now claims BTC transactions are “unfairly” cheap submitted by /u/paulemmanuelng
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/f91jjx/did_bitcoin_get_better_roger_ver_now_claims_btc/