Thursday, 12 March 2020

This is going to be a great history lesson: Stablecoins aren't stable. Get ready for inflation to eat into your stablecoins. Buy, Spend and Save BCH

submitted by /u/lopokoko
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400 Fake BTC stores in Australia

400 Fake BTC stores in Australia submitted by /u/where-is-satoshi
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Even toilet paper can be used as a store of value because it has a secondary use case.

Even toilet paper can be used as a store of value because it has a secondary use case. submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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Women only Bitcoin BCH meetup North Queensland - Alt Brew Thu 12th March 12:30pm

Women only Bitcoin BCH meetup North Queensland - Alt Brew Thu 12th March 12:30pm submitted by /u/where-is-satoshi
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From: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

From: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System submitted by /u/Zek256
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Cryptic message from Paul LeRoux (i.e. possibly Satoshi Nakamoto) to Roger — with Roger liking the message. Hmmm.... 🤔

submitted by /u/scotty321
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Is anybody fighting for the community to get crypto tax laws changed?

The government is taking your money and if someone challenges them IN COURT you might not have to give it to them.

'CRYPTO TO CRYPTO' trades are being taxed as if you sold from 'CRYPTO to FIAT to CRYPTO', except you actually didn't. You went from 'CRYPTO to CRYPTO. You don't pay the government when you change currencies at a currency exchange for example USD to CAD.

They treat it like you sold 'IBM stock for APPLE stock'. Which would be 'IBM to FIAT to APPLE'.

Is anybody working on behalf of the community?

submitted by /u/BitcoinIsSimple
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