Monday, 20 April 2020

Bitcoin is the answer

Bitcoin is the answer submitted by /u/eljaboom
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Just had a darknet credit-card seller try to spam one of my large subs; credit cards are so easy to steal and abuse---these rats will dry up in the coming all-cryptocurrency economy

Just had a darknet credit-card seller try to spam one of my large subs; credit cards are so easy to steal and abuse---these rats will dry up in the coming all-cryptocurrency economy submitted by /u/Anenome5
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Why so negative

I am leaving this group, the comments on here are so negative, i only joined because i viewed a post that said that this is the real bitcoin group, i can assure you i like the other much better, much more constructive feedback and better information about BTC and not pushing the shill BCH onto us which was just a hard fork that will not take off in my opinion. Bon Voyage people. Good Luck.

submitted by /u/andoson721
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Selling my mining gpus :)

Selling my mining gpus :) submitted by /u/q8reda
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Sunday, 19 April 2020

Does Your Fiat Money Still Have Any Value?

Does Your Fiat Money Still Have Any Value? submitted by /u/sylsau
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bch/btc ratio

Hi, I'm quite new here, but lurker since few months so I know the endless debate.

Anyway, I didn't buy bch yet but I own a little bit of btc (and unimportant amount of other coins).

I'd like to know your personal opinion: if you should start a portfolio from zero would you put both bch and btc? which ratio between bch and btc would you like to keep? and why?

I don't need advise but simply to know what people think about.

submitted by /u/bittantis
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[Crosspost /r/conspiracy] The Bitcoin Conspiracy

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_ALTCOINS
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