Monday, 8 June 2020

A Pentagon war game shows Gen Z using Bitcoin to fight the system

A Pentagon war game shows Gen Z using Bitcoin to fight the system submitted by /u/NimbleBodhi
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Bitcoin’s average transaction fees fall by 83% from post-halving high

Bitcoin’s average transaction fees fall by 83% from post-halving high submitted by /u/SaneFive
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Bitcoin price quote for Linux shell

I love to work with the Linux shell (bash; Linuxmint/Ubuntu) all day, and from time to time I want to know the current price of Bitcoin and Ether. So I created a simple Linux shellscript, which displays both cross-prices to USD and EUR within the shell after typing in "btc". I know that I could use the web for this task, but I like it this way and I also don't want to be constantly informed (i.e. with an app on the smartphone).

Here it is, let me know if you like it.

#!/bin/bash # this simple Linux shell script uses the "jq" command line # JSON data processor pls. install "jq" first (sudo apt # install jq) then save the skript with an editor as i.e. # "btc" under a path for executables, (i.e. ~/.local/bin/) # and make it executable ("sudo chmod +x btc"). The script # uses market data from the kraken api; pls. feel free to # use any other api. The script displays the current price # of Bitcoin and Ether in USD and EUR. If you don't like # the colors, try playing around with the "tput setaf x" # (color of characters) and "tput setab x" (background # color); you might find the information frome here: # # useful. Enjoy! JSN1=$(curl -s "") JSN2=$(curl -s "") JSN3=$(curl -s "") JSN4=$(curl -s "") QRAW1=$(echo $JSN1 | jq ".result.XXBTZUSD.c[0]") QRAW2=$(echo $JSN2 | jq ".result.XXBTZEUR.c[0]") QRAW3=$(echo $JSN3 | jq ".result.XETHZUSD.c[0]") QRAW4=$(echo $JSN4 | jq ".result.XETHZEUR.c[0]") RGX='\"\([0-9]\+\)\.[0-9]\+\"' Q1=$(echo $QRAW1 | sed "s/${RGX}$/\1/g") Q2=$(echo $QRAW2 | sed "s/${RGX}$/\1/g") Q3=$(echo $QRAW3 | sed "s/${RGX}$/\1/g") Q4=$(echo $QRAW4 | sed "s/${RGX}$/\1/g") RED=`tput setaf 1` GREEN=`tput setaf 2` WHITEBACK=`tput setab 7` CYANBACK=`tput setab 6` BOLD=`tput bold` RESET=`tput sgr0` echo "${WHITEBACK}${BOLD}${RED}Bitcoin: $""$Q1"" €""$Q2${RESET}"" ${BOLD}${CYANBACK}${GREEN}Ether: $""$Q3"" €""$Q4${RESET}" 
submitted by /u/fatrattombala
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Liquid censorship resistance

I have some doubts about liquid.

Is is possible to specifically censor some transactions/addresses to stop a specific user?

To achieve that objective I think it may suffice slightly above 1/3 of the fiduciaries. Is that true or are there some countermeasures?

How are fiduciaries distributed around the world, btw?

p.s. very good points from Cobra; let's see if someone else can add his view to the discussion

submitted by /u/ilpirata79
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