Friday, 19 June 2020

Bitcoin Core Developer Amiti Uttarwar Receives $150K Grant from BitMEX and OKCoin

Bitcoin Core Developer Amiti Uttarwar Receives $150K Grant from BitMEX and OKCoin submitted by /u/ChinnyBeneath
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What is Bitcoin halving [ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW]

What is Bitcoin halving [ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW] submitted by /u/dilshanfdo1995
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Last time I booted up this phone Bitcoin was $436 F in chat

Last time I booted up this phone Bitcoin was $436 F in chat submitted by /u/ChinchillaMan69
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Can someone explain how this scam has been going on for weeks,hopping channels

Can someone explain how this scam has been going on for weeks,hopping channels submitted by /u/Euro-Canuck
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Earning Bitcoin While Playing Video Games Is What Guys Really Want

Earning Bitcoin While Playing Video Games Is What Guys Really Want submitted by /u/Bitcoin_Magazine
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Have the masters turned off sockpuppets?

First time in years where the frontpage of /r/btc isn't the same 4 accounts spamming things to keep everyone singing from the same sheet.

submitted by /u/BITCOIN4L4f3
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Grant for Bitcoin core developer

Grant for Bitcoin core developer submitted by /u/N0tMyRealAcct
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