Sunday, 5 July 2020

The Crypto Gathering - Saifedean Ammous

The Crypto Gathering - Saifedean Ammous submitted by /u/SandwichOfEarl
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What was Satoshi thinking?

The only flaw I see in bitcoin is the disproportionate power of the Whales.

I thought it could have been a mistake giving so much power to the early adopters, but perhaps this was the incentive needed to encourage adoption in the first place?

submitted by /u/Coolster-crypto
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Lightning bitcoin tips

I’m trying to tip some people who make really cool posts/comments, but I don’t know how. All I see is ntip. How does this work? I know it’s through the LN. Can anyone help me set up tipping? And how do you deposit and withdraw? Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/Veryuniquenames
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What happens when two friends discuss the IFP: Oldie but a goodie

submitted by /u/Terrible-Chipmunk
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"I made this"

"I made this" submitted by /u/that_stoner_guy
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