Wednesday, 8 July 2020


DOGE, WT#? submitted by /u/steve_m0
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We need to start talking about Mesh Networks!

We need to start talking about Mesh Networks! submitted by /u/hoiru
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Everytime Bitcoin Drops Under 9K This Week

Everytime Bitcoin Drops Under 9K This Week submitted by /u/BrashL
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Bravo to whomever made this!

Bravo to whomever made this! submitted by /u/kaz2727
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Bitcoin Rapid-Fire: BITCOIN AND PSYCHEDELICS With Brandon Quittem

Bitcoin Rapid-Fire: BITCOIN AND PSYCHEDELICS With Brandon Quittem submitted by /u/BashCo
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João Almeida from Open Node discusses payment processing via lightning network.

submitted by /u/Rugby11
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CulturaBCH: Lastest news and next steps! "It is time to take a step forward, we cannot continue to be locked in an internal war of egos while other cryptocurrencies take the lead"

CulturaBCH: Lastest news and next steps! "It is time to take a step forward, we cannot continue to be locked in an internal war of egos while other cryptocurrencies take the lead" submitted by /u/SofiaCBCH
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