Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Never wait on payment processors again. Bitcoin Cash payments are received in seconds, ready for you to save, spend, or convert into your local currency. 🌱🌍♻

Never wait on payment processors again. Bitcoin Cash payments are received in seconds, ready for you to save, spend, or convert into your local currency. 🌱🌍♻ submitted by /u/ojjordan78
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Third Anniversary of Bitcoin Cash Highlights a Myriad of Network Improvements

Third Anniversary of Bitcoin Cash Highlights a Myriad of Network Improvements submitted by /u/swiftestcat
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If BCH fixes it's DAA issue giving consistent ~10 min blocks, will BCH SV still have those issues?

submitted by /u/ShortSqueeze20k
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Hodlers after a breakout under $10k

Hodlers after a breakout under $10k submitted by /u/coinsmash1
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Mr. Krabs' first dime was a rai stone from an island called Yap. THIS is quite literally the most obscure reference you missed as a kid

Mr. Krabs' first dime was a rai stone from an island called Yap. THIS is quite literally the most obscure reference you missed as a kid submitted by /u/Blockfolio
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Can someone help explain why I'm stuck at 0/3 confirmations since 4AM? Sending to my permanent address that always works.

Can someone help explain why I'm stuck at 0/3 confirmations since 4AM? Sending to my permanent address that always works. submitted by /u/birdsteen
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BitBoxApp for Android: who needs a computer anyway?

BitBoxApp for Android: who needs a computer anyway? submitted by /u/Stadicus
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