Sunday, 26 July 2020

How to keep your crypto assets safe

How to keep your crypto assets safe submitted by /u/Motor_Entrepreneur
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We are pleased to announce that our website is live now

We are pleased to announce that our website is live now submitted by /u/Important_Week
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Netflix - How to sell drugs online (fast) S02E03

Netflix - How to sell drugs online (fast) S02E03 submitted by /u/slywalkers
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Only in a totalitarian dictatorship would a government prevent currency competition.

Freedom to choose between competing currencies is a basic human right. It is the mechanism we use as free human beings to stop money being corrupted.

We had this freedom for thousands of years when the world cumulatively settled on gold as its free market choice for storing wealth.

Somewhere along the lines we were decieved into accepting and storing wealth in un-backed fiat instead. The damage this has done is immeasurable, slow insidious inflation is a cancer that slowly kills its host leaving an entire society wondering why their salaries are only 2% that of other countries, hyperinflation is a bullet to the head.

Freedom of choice, freedom of commerce, freedom of interaction and freedom to choose how we save and spend our own economic value are all basic human rights, just as important as freedom of speech.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Monetary corruption under a fiat system is inevitable, in fact Quantitative Easing is the literal manifestation of monetary corruption.

Bitcoin is simply better money, it will expose which countries are disguised totalitarian dictatorships and which countries are truly free.

submitted by /u/slvbtc
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Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Explaining Taproot - NADO 2

Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Explaining Taproot - NADO 2 submitted by /u/BashCo
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One of the first missions of the DAA Workgroup was to set a list of goals for the new DAA. Drift was never an item on that list, nor was it ever discussed before ABC's article.

One of the first missions of the DAA Workgroup was to set a list of goals for the new DAA. Drift was never an item on that list, nor was it ever discussed before ABC's article. submitted by /u/JonathanSilverblood
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Bitcoin Embody The Tools To Fight The “Corrupt Fed” - Robert Kiyosaki

Bitcoin Embody The Tools To Fight The “Corrupt Fed” - Robert Kiyosaki submitted by /u/ArnitaHayward
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