Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Different way to store recovery seed on to stainless steel in a way that's accessible, inexpensive, physically robust, and inconspicuous

Different way to store recovery seed on to stainless steel in a way that's accessible, inexpensive, physically robust, and inconspicuous submitted by /u/bieberfever123
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Square says Cash App generated $875 million in bitcoin revenue during Q2, posting $17 million in gross profit - The Block

Square says Cash App generated $875 million in bitcoin revenue during Q2, posting $17 million in gross profit - The Block submitted by /u/YoungThurstonHowell
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Bitfinex offers $400 million reward for 120,000 Bitcoin hack

Bitfinex offers $400 million reward for 120,000 Bitcoin hack submitted by /u/Satoux3
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COLDCARD Firmware Upgrade 3.1.8, SPEEDier Input, New Settings, Current XFP on screen, BIP85 for Mk2 hardware and more!

COLDCARD Firmware Upgrade 3.1.8, SPEEDier Input, New Settings, Current XFP on screen, BIP85 for Mk2 hardware and more! submitted by /u/rnvk
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Right, got it. ASERT definitely does look clever and cool. As I said I don't actually think the difference between ASERT and, say, ethereum DAA or any competent algo matters much, but if ASERT is already the dominant candidate then seems like common sense to just deploy it.

Right, got it. ASERT definitely does look clever and cool. As I said I don't actually think the difference between ASERT and, say, ethereum DAA or any competent algo matters much, but if ASERT is already the dominant candidate then seems like common sense to just deploy it. submitted by /u/throwawayo12345
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Tensions Flare: Is Bitcoin Cash Headed to Another ‘Catastrophic’ Fork?

Tensions Flare: Is Bitcoin Cash Headed to Another ‘Catastrophic’ Fork? submitted by /u/swiftestcat
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Is the latest DAA development meeting available somewhere?

submitted by /u/N0tMyRealAcct
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