Thursday, 20 August 2020

Bitcoin Goes Mainstream in Turkey with National Soccer Team Sponsorship by BTCTurk

Bitcoin Goes Mainstream in Turkey with National Soccer Team Sponsorship by BTCTurk submitted by /u/wmredditor
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‘Extreme’ Bitcoin Growth In Africa Is Sending Crypto ‘Mainstream,’ Binance-Backed- Exchange CEO Reveals Alongside Fresh Funding

‘Extreme’ Bitcoin Growth In Africa Is Sending Crypto ‘Mainstream,’ Binance-Backed- Exchange CEO Reveals Alongside Fresh Funding submitted by /u/throwawaythisdecade
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Advice for selling Bitcoin holdings as a minor

Hello Reddit,

As a tween, I learned about Bitcoin from online forums and I started "obtaining" it (legally). I amassed a large amount of Bitcoin and I am now a teen.

I have told people around me as little of information about my holdings and I would like to cash out my holdings in the future as privately and securely as possible. I will still pay taxes (discreetly) so it would be legal.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/AbbreviationsTricky
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Daily Discussion, August 20, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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How to Contribute to a Bitcoin Cash Flipstarter

How to Contribute to a Bitcoin Cash Flipstarter submitted by /u/CryptoStrategies
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The IFP would lead to devs spending all day politicking for a share of the money rather than actually building useful tools for the world. #NOIFP

submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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ScaleNet - a testnet dedicated to testing scalability.

ScaleNet - a testnet dedicated to testing scalability. submitted by /u/JonathanSilverblood
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