Monday, 24 August 2020

How Bitcoin Cash should defend against the hostile takeover attempt by rogue developer Amaury Séchet

How Bitcoin Cash should defend against the hostile takeover attempt by rogue developer Amaury Séchet submitted by /u/ZakMcRofl
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Inter-Blockchain Liquidity: Minting Synthetic Bitcoin Cash With the Ren Protocol

Inter-Blockchain Liquidity: Minting Synthetic Bitcoin Cash With the Ren Protocol submitted by /u/jamieBitcoinDotCom
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Bitcoin Cash is sweet.

Bitcoin Cash is sweet. submitted by /u/user4morethan2mins
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Nigeria Leaves the USA behind in Number of Bitcoin Wallets Downloads

Nigeria Leaves the USA behind in Number of Bitcoin Wallets Downloads submitted by /u/NicoleJamson
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What would you say are the 15 most important Bitcoin events that happened?

To me number 1, of course, is the publication of the white paper.

What would you say are the other 14?

As /u/Sack_Shooter said - including PRE-Bitcoin events that have big impact on Bitcoin like the 2008 crash

submitted by /u/RG_PankO
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We Are Year 11 After Bitcoin Network Came Into Existence

We Are Year 11 After Bitcoin Network Came Into Existence submitted by /u/sylsau
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A Reddit Post From 2011 Argues $3 "Isn't Sustainable For Bitcoin"

A Reddit Post From 2011 Argues $3 "Isn't Sustainable For Bitcoin" submitted by /u/bitdex
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