Saturday, 29 August 2020

The businesses and holders of BCH are the ones who need to fund any protocol development. NOT self appointed devs complaining that they don't have any money.

The businesses and holders of BCH are the ones who need to fund any protocol development. NOT self appointed devs complaining that they don't have any money. submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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Free Market Family: Goldbug Peter Schiff Asks the Bitcoin Community to Gift Crypto to His Son

Free Market Family: Goldbug Peter Schiff Asks the Bitcoin Community to Gift Crypto to His Son submitted by /u/jamieBitcoinDotCom
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A short time after learning of amaury's Grasberg algorithm to create longer blocktimes to account for past misses, the federal reserve announces increased inflation to account for past misses

A coincidence? Zero connection or ... does he get his goofy ideas from the fed ....

Perhaps I'm reaching but it did strike me odd.

Seems to me the fed was sort of forced to print more money with the pandemic... And they announce pretending it was their plan all along

submitted by /u/Terrible-Chipmunk
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Showerthought: Bitcoin Cash lack of governance structure in the protocol is a feature, not a bug.


submitted by /u/jonald_fyookball
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Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Payment Pools and Taproot - NADO 6

Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - Payment Pools and Taproot - NADO 6 submitted by /u/BashCo
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Ask Andreas: Livestream Q&A tomorrow (Saturday 10am PT, 17:00 UTC)

Ask Andreas: Livestream Q&A tomorrow (Saturday 10am PT, 17:00 UTC) submitted by /u/andreasma
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A wallet extension for Bitcoin developers

A wallet extension for Bitcoin developers submitted by /u/gr0kch8n
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