Friday, 4 September 2020

Quality Shitpost: the TRONONNING

Quality Shitpost: the TRONONNING submitted by /u/jonald_fyookball
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DeFi - Cryptocurrencies' Most Massive Bubble Is Forming

DeFi - Cryptocurrencies' Most Massive Bubble Is Forming submitted by /u/mrsotkogaming
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Bitcoin Price Slides Below $10,000 For The First Time Since July But Not All Hope is Lost

Bitcoin Price Slides Below $10,000 For The First Time Since July But Not All Hope is Lost submitted by /u/rivoke
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If the Stock Market Opens Red Tomorrow, Expect Massive Dips in Bitcoin; Bitcoin Growth/Dip == Stock Market

As the title suggests.

I see posts of people asking whether to buy or not. No one knows but one thing is for sure, but when the election comes around in one month and stimulus starts drying out the stock market is going to crash, the FEDs can't QE forever. With that being said, Bitcoin follows the stock market. Today the stock market, dropped near 4%. Bitcoin dropped 8% and in the plague like dips in March/April. Bitcoin just doubles the dips of the stock market.

Source: My ass.

submitted by /u/rotaryfurball
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Buying More. I love it when its cheap.

submitted by /u/spee111
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Tales from the Crypt: Rabbit Hole Recap LIVE: Week of 2020.08.27

Tales from the Crypt: Rabbit Hole Recap LIVE: Week of 2020.08.27 submitted by /u/BashCo
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How to become a BCH Full Stack Developer

submitted by /u/MichaelTen
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