Saturday, 5 September 2020

Grayscale has published a document/analysis, "Valuing Bitcoin"

They include mention of the (Plan B's) stock-to-flow model there. They tweeted about that, here:

This is the pdf, Valuing Bitcoin (August-Sept 2020):

submitted by /u/HumbleWalker1235
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Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - What is an XPub? - Nado 7

Bitcoin Magazine: The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado - What is an XPub? - Nado 7 submitted by /u/BashCo
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FOSSA, FOSS ATM, lightning network ATM tutorial

FOSSA, FOSS ATM, lightning network ATM tutorial submitted by /u/genieforge
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Central Banks Are Buying Assets Equal to 140,000 BTC Every Hour

submitted by /u/bitsteiner
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Lightning in Hodl Hodl?

I used Hodl Hodl yesterday for the first time. It worked great, but for the not-so-big amount of BTC I bought, the transaction fee was a bit painful. Googling I find 2019 news saying Hodl Hodl is enabling Lightning, but in the actual web I see no trace of it. Is it just a plan? Has anyone used it?

submitted by /u/zeycus
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Sending funds from ledger nano s to cold card

So I want to send all of my funds previously stored on a ledger nanos over to my cold card to use this as my cold storage instead, is better security and privacy wise to

a) Import my existing seed to my cold card instead of generating a new seed

b) Generate a new seed on my cold card and and send all of my funds to the receiving address?

submitted by /u/Immediate-Host
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Analysis of "The Global Network Council framework"

Analysis of "The Global Network Council framework" submitted by /u/ZakMcRofl
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