Somehow I had all the bitcoin in my wallet sent (2 separate transactions) to unknown wallets yesterday afternoon. This all happens without 2-factor authorization or an email receipt (both of which are settings I have turned on)
I have the transactions in my history, so I can trace on the Blockchain.
Am I completely screwed, or is there anything I can do?
I haven’t had any visible security breaches, but obviously have been hacked. I am especially troubled by the lack of effectiveness of the 2FA and the lack of any email receipt. The transaction took place at 3pm yesterday, and I discovered it this morning only by logging into my account and seeing a 0.0 balance
I realize I’m in a very bad situation, so any thoughts/help would be very much appreciated.
I have reached out to Blockchain support, but I’m not sure how responsive they are (no phone number).
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