Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Thanks to everyone who attempted to contribute to the failed Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Marketing Flipstarter

This was the second attempt at this Flipstarter, with a much smaller target (360 BCH) than the first attempt (650 BCH). I will not run a Flipstarter again in the future and cannot commit to any further activities in support of Bitcoin Cash common infrastructure at this time. I would like to thank those who pledged in both attempts and put their money where their mouth in appreciation of my past work.

Name Amount Message
Georg Engelmann 116.64 BCH Stay with BCH
Roger Ver 50.64 BCH The IFP is an attempted highjacking of Bitcoin Cash. There's plenty of voluntary funding available for worthwhile things
molecular 20.13 BCH
Peetah 20.10 BCH
Shadow Of Harbringer 13.37 BCH
Yan 10.25 BCH
zveda 6.12 BCH May the videos be of high quality.
btcfork 2.50 BCH yes to BCH, no to 8% coinbase tax scum
read.cash 2.34 BCH
bomtom1 1.82 BCH https://read.cash/@bomtom1
emergent_reasons 1.50 BCH Since we started flipstarter, I have always wanted to see it applied to BCH marketing
Sedonabiz 1.24 BCH Love what you do for BCH
imaginary_username 1.15 BCH campaign's a bit short, but good luck anyway!
Jake 1.11 BCH
HurlSly 1.01 BCH It's a lot of money for me. Thank you for you work
zquestz 1.01 BCH Let's get this over the finish line!
BCH fan 1.01 BCH I'm doing my part!
zquestz 1.01 BCH Good luck!
chainxor 1.00 BCH Don't give up. You're doing good work and the intent is admirable no matter the details.
Edward 0.97 BCH
Mathieu G 0.89 BCH Love your videos!
jonathan#100 0.85 BCH Still more than I can afford, and still worth it.
Anonymous 0.74 BCH
Kieran Mesquita 0.66 BCH Bitcoin Cash marketing department
seventh.sense 0.63 BCH Keep up the good work Hayden!
Anonymous puffin 0.61 BCH
Anonymous 0.55 BCH go for it!
jonald 0.52 BCH
Lopokoko 0.51 BCH P2P Electronic Cash for the world!
Bitcoin Cast 0.50 BCH Bitcoin (BCH) FTW!
BCH is our hope! 0.48 BCH The highest hopes we have for humanity is a currency that is separated from the state. BCH ftw!
Anonymous 0.40 BCH
lugaxker 0.40 BCH Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
BitcoinOutLoud 0.33 BCH
Anon 0.30 BCH I secretly hope miners choose IFP
Anonymous 0.20 BCH
Steve 0.20 BCH Big fan of you and what you're doing in Australia and for adoption! Keep going Hayden!
Anonymous 0.17 BCH
submitted by /u/CryptoStrategies
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/iol6hb/thanks_to_everyone_who_attempted_to_contribute_to/

Have you heard about 'El Zonte' in El Salvador?? Adopting Bitcoin as Money Already!

Have you heard about 'El Zonte' in El Salvador?? Adopting Bitcoin as Money Already! submitted by /u/bm_bkly
[link] [comments]

member.cash now has retweets. they are called RE-MEMBERS!

member.cash now has retweets. they are called RE-MEMBERS! submitted by /u/theamazingnuggets
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ioizaf/membercash_now_has_retweets_they_are_called/

RIP Cryptophyl - Make sure you withdraw your BCH and tokens before it's gone forever.

RIP Cryptophyl - Make sure you withdraw your BCH and tokens before it's gone forever. submitted by /u/AnarchoCicero
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/iojcyu/rip_cryptophyl_make_sure_you_withdraw_your_bch/

Can "Pros" Ever Replace Grassroots?: 68 Days to Network Upgrade (BCH Ignite Livestream) Live Now

submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ioj3ee/can_pros_ever_replace_grassroots_68_days_to/