so i want to move away from ledger to the coldcard. i do have some alts but ive decided i would feel keeping my btc on an open source btc only device. two questions though:
1) can i use my ledger seed on the cold card? i know it's not *quite* as secure, but due to the way I had managed to store my seed over the years, it would be quite preferable to use this seed. it took a while to get my cold storage security right and it would be a pain in the ass to use a new seed.
2) i dont quite understand the coldcard encrypted backup. why would i need a backup with an additional 12 words if i already have my seed secured? the seed phrase is the backup... if my coldcard got destroyed, i could simply restore my seed word in a new cold card or on any wallet, yes?
also - i guess i would like to be reassured that the coldcard is not too difficult to use. i'm not tech-ey per say but i'm pretty capable. i'm technical enough that i used a raspberry pi to build a mynode, got it up and running and seemingly working fine from the dashboard, but can't seem to get it to connect to any lightning wallets, lol...
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