Saturday, 19 September 2020

Congratulations Jonathan! Looks like we've got a Javascript node going forward. Great news for js devs.

submitted by /u/freetrade
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Bitcoin Cash is not the Bitcoin they know

Bitcoin Cash is is the fiat killer app. Let's stop trying to brand ourselves as the speculative investment Bitcoin Core has become. Market Cap is a by product of what we do. Not the primary measure of success. Adoption of a "cash" coin has better measures of success in my opinion. Unique records of people spending BCH and merchants choosing BCH is a far better measure in my books. Where do you see this happening? How are you promoting adoption? As a developer its easy to code new tools and features. But no one will know the value of those features if we don't keep introducing people to this fiat killer tech.

submitted by /u/pchandle_au
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Staying focused on the BCH mission

Staying focused on the BCH mission submitted by /u/BCHcain
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Friday, 18 September 2020

UK Carpet & upholstery cleaning business for sale for Bitcoin cash

Everything you need to get started, including sign written van, domain name and all the equipment you could need. All equipment is pretty much new and great condition. Carpet/upholstery cleaning machine and accessories are all top end and some of the best kit on the market.

This offers a great low risk, low overhead business opportunity with high profit margins. Entire business can be run from the van and is easily relocatable. It's a great time to be starting out in this industry, business is booming with the whole Covid situation. I'm only selling due to ill health.

Pm for more info

Asking price is £11,900. I'll accept any major crypto.

submitted by /u/usernameunavailable
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Ticino Blockchain Technologies Association is formed in Lugano, Switzerland to promote research and support blockchain growth | Founding members also include, Eligma (GoCrypto), Pangea Blockchain Fund,...

Ticino Blockchain Technologies Association is formed in Lugano, Switzerland to promote research and support blockchain growth | Founding members also include, Eligma (GoCrypto), Pangea Blockchain Fund,... submitted by /u/EligmaTeam
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Ticino Blockchain Technologies Association is formed in Lugano, Switzerland to promote research and support blockchain growth | Founding members also include, Eligma (GoCrypto), Pangea Blockchain Fund,...

Ticino Blockchain Technologies Association is formed in Lugano, Switzerland to promote research and support blockchain growth | Founding members also include, Eligma (GoCrypto), Pangea Blockchain Fund,... submitted by /u/EligmaTeam
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Cryptocurrency Exchange Kraken to Establish the First Crypto Bank In The U.S.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Kraken to Establish the First Crypto Bank In The U.S. submitted by /u/ValerieChristaldi
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