Saturday, 19 September 2020

Is backup cold storage wallet recommended?

Sorry in advance for the dumb question but I've searched all over and have found conflicting answers....

I want to start investing in Bitcoin and the general consensus is that cold storage wallets are the safest way to store your coin rather than on a trading platform like Coinbase for example. I've also seen that people recommend buying 2 cold storage wallets, Ledger X and Ledger S seem to be popular and for the most part trustworthy. Am I correct in that assumption that you should buy one main one and one backup? So buy a Ledger X as my main and Ledger S as the backup? Some comments I read people said you only need one... What's the safest way to go? Is buying 2 overkill? Any insight would help.

submitted by /u/Scientific_85
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The SLP Foundation is announcing our deal with the game-changing Blockhack happening in October. 6 Weeks. BIG education & investment partners. (Links in Post)

submitted by /u/slowsynapse
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The SLP Foundation is announcing our deal with the game-changing Blockhack happening in October. 6 Weeks. BIG education & investment partners. (Links in Post)

The SLP Foundation is announcing our deal with the game-changing Blockhack happening in October. 6 Weeks. BIG education & investment partners. (Links in Post) submitted by /u/slowsynapse
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Bitcoin is designed very similarly to the three branch system that creates and manages the US Constitution: legislative (developers), executive (miners), and judicial (nodes)

I never thought about it this way, but it's kinda interesting. I wonder if Satoshi intended it this way, or if it's just a common way of thinking about distributed systemic governance.

submitted by /u/Turil
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East Asia Dominates World's Onchain Crypto Activity, Europe and North America Trail Behind

East Asia Dominates World's Onchain Crypto Activity, Europe and North America Trail Behind submitted by /u/JonyRotten
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Schnorr Signatures and Libsec256k1 - The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado 8

Schnorr Signatures and Libsec256k1 - The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado 8 submitted by /u/Bitcoin_Magazine
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How do I get my dad to invest in bitcoin?

I want to get my dad investing in Bitcoin / crypto and he's asked for

evidence from respected experienced investors who believe and are investing themselves..testimonials...

What's the best approach and resources?

He's generally a safe investor (tracker, low yield funds) however after a few wines he's starting to look his pension pot and have a play around

submitted by /u/lancscheese
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