Wednesday, 28 October 2020

“While I always welcome a price increase, my primary way of measuring cryptocurrency success rate is usage in daily life. So far, we still have a huge amount of work to do and we risk being overtaken (and eventually outlawed) by digital government currencies.”

“While I always welcome a price increase, my primary way of measuring cryptocurrency success rate is usage in daily life. So far, we still have a huge amount of work to do and we risk being overtaken (and eventually outlawed) by digital government currencies.” submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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The higher the price of BTC, the higher the transaction fees, the greater drive to BCH. Institutions getting in is just free advertising for P2P cash for the world.

The higher the price, the more congested AXA Core coin becomes. When it's $25+ to send $100, guess who the majority will come running to?

submitted by /u/bolognapony234
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The People Who Call Bitcoin a Scam Are the Real Scammers

The People Who Call Bitcoin a Scam Are the Real Scammers submitted by /u/sylsau
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Something is different this time.

Recently, when the DOW dipped, BTC dipped as well. But not today!

Just saying, i think this is remarkable.

submitted by /u/b_lumenkraft
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BTC TX fee Could Buy A.........

BTC TX fee Could Buy A......... submitted by /u/FUBAR-BDHR
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