Friday, 30 October 2020

Where do you guys and gals go for bitcoin news, good podcasts, etc? Looking for something to digest daily that is quality content. Thanks!

submitted by /u/PhotoProxima
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Hi, so I just read a crypto horror story about emails and exchange accounts being compromised by identity theft aka sim swapping and cryptos being stolen. So I just called my phone provider and added a second security question for the case of someone trying to do the sim swapping.
The lady told me that anyone who has the pincode for my phone provider could theoretically do the identity theft. So my suggestion to everyone in the cryptospace is to call up your provider and ask for an added security layer in form of a question only you know the answer to.
Have a good day and keep Hodling! :)

submitted by /u/schmaleks
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Coin Fugazi Podcast 10: Ethereum and the $55 Million Hack that Almost Destroyed it All

Coin Fugazi Podcast 10: Ethereum and the $55 Million Hack that Almost Destroyed it All submitted by /u/afriendofsatoshi
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ABC team charges 8% for service on their network. Could a government hold ABC accountable for any illegal activities on their network?

Just curious!

submitted by /u/xd1gital
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BE CAREFUL Y’ALL!!!! Scammers B scammin’

BE CAREFUL Y’ALL!!!! Scammers B scammin’ submitted by /u/therealfakesatoshi
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Avoiding Financial Censorship with Bitcoin Cash

Avoiding Financial Censorship with Bitcoin Cash submitted by /u/checkraise86
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How to get Bitcoin in your 401K

Hello all,

My company currently has our 401k set up through Merril Lynch. I called Merril to see if they offered cryptocurrencies as an option for investments in our 401k. To which I found out that my company is the entity that chooses the list of potential investments for the employees to choose from. Has anyone here attempted to get their company to open up the possibility to invest in crypto in their 401k? If so, how did you convince them?

I want to reach out to whoever handles our benefits and see if that would be a possibility. Does something like this cause the company too many problems than it may be worth?

submitted by /u/da_engineer22
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