Saturday, 7 November 2020

Bitcoin gave me way more than financial freedom

[throwaway account for obvious reasons]

I am by no means a whale. Actually, I'm not even close to that, but I'm now debt-free and have just decided to retire at less than 35 years-old. No credit cards, no mortgage, no debt of any kind and still have some spare change. Still, something was hammering my mind a while ago: what's next? I mean, the dream was to have means of studying and learn new things, get a job that pays well and keep going with life, maybe have a nice family. Suddenly I have all of that and life is not the same. It's not better or worse, just different. Bitcoin gave me a way of contemplating it from a completely new perspective: the one of a person that does not need to be "functional" to survive in our current society. Therefore, it also made me question life itself.

I've bought lots of books in a way of understanding all of this better, as well as a way of understanding myself better, and the consequence of all of this, i.e. Bitcoin+heavy reading (around two books every week) is that, from a human perspective, we're but instruments of corporations. From a universe perspective, we aren't much of a thing. As for the first, I saw myself buying a shit ton of things I did not actually need. "Hey, let me buy this 27in spare screen for my latest and maxed out MacBook Pro". Then I realised the most I do is to surf on the web and get myself informed by the news. Result: I don't actually needed these 5k USD gadgets, I was merely induced and manipulated through social media to acquire it. I was exchanging time of my life and time with my family (by e.g. working for a company in exchange of some dollars), which are the only things I can't have back, for things I did not need, and all of this because I was induced by algorithms in social media, or because that influencer said so.

I very often see people here wanting to buy lambos and mansions and these kind of things by taking profits from BTC, but my true question is: what for? Are you sure you don't want to buy these things only for showing off for people that can't have it? Who said it is cooler to have a lambo than a regular car? Very likely the marketing team of lamborghini. The status given to owners of expensive things make them more desirable to society's eyes, and very often we do want to have these things because everyone wants to be a desired member of society. I just would like to tell you that the people that truly love you - your family, your closest friends - will love you no matter what is the kind of car you have, and many people that do not like you at all will approach you looking for some of that spare change you've got.

Don't take me bad: I starved when I was a kid and I know what is like to desire things and expensive things. I also fall for this trap and bought expensive stuff that added nothing to my life. At the end of the day what matters the most is who you are seeing first thing in the morning to have breakfast with, not the kind of car you drive. All the structure we have today in our society, from sports to politics to banks to careers, was built to prevent us from thinking of the most human and natural thing of all: we all die; we're all animals and the ultimate goal is for us to reproduce our DNA, as it is the main goal of all the forms of life we know today.

So, after BTC moons, because it will, make sure you have your sanity and mind ready for such a dramatic change in how much of society you can afford. Remember that people in your life that love you will love you no matter what, and don't fall for social media's manipulation in how to use your currency.

Stay safe and be sure to get some mental assistance, because it is proven that many people who earn lots of value/currency at once get mental health issues. Your family and friends are the most important things in your life, no matter what society tells you.

I'm now a minimalist and this is actually all I ever wanted, even though I've just discovered it. Safe journey everyone.

submitted by /u/btcthrow4ay
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Bitcoin has finally broken $20,000 CAD

submitted by /u/MistaPrimeMinista
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It feels so nice after so long.

I started DCA buying bitcoin around 5k, then got more aggressive from 6k-9k. I didn't and wont stop; even from 10k-20k. I'm buying any sats I can. However with the current price and having bought I dunno 75% of my coin sub 10k USD, opening up that wallet gives me the hugest boner.

If I could go back and have doubled my buys. . I still wouldn't sell.

submitted by /u/Parking_Meater
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27 years old. Been HODLing since 2015. Stoked. AMA.


submitted by /u/Kinolva
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