Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bitcoin appears to have a stale chain of length 2, quite a rare event

submitted by /u/iamaneditor
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The greatest Bitcoin trade of all time.

Back in 2011 when BTC flashcrashed to 0.01 and someone bought 261383 Bitcoin for 2631$. That induvidual made about 4 million $ in 15 minutes. Mindblowing.


submitted by /u/mitchconnor1337
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“BUT THEY WILL BAN BITCOIN.” Why this threat is HIGHLY overestimated and not logical.

“BUT THEY WILL BAN BITCOIN.” Why this threat is HIGHLY overestimated and not logical. submitted by /u/JoeB34
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“Change for Love" 90x100cm by Moabit

“Change for Love" 90x100cm by Moabit submitted by /u/moabitsaga
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Alex Gladstein explains how Bitcoin is vital to preventing human rights abuses.

Alex Gladstein explains how Bitcoin is vital to preventing human rights abuses. submitted by /u/TucsonBlockchain
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Why Did the Latest Bitcoin Cash Fork Turn Out Differently?

Why Did the Latest Bitcoin Cash Fork Turn Out Differently? submitted by /u/thedesertlynx
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Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Coinbase BCH fork

Will we be able to get our BCHA airdrop if we keep our BCH on Coinbase wallet? I sent Coinbase support the same question but no answer still after 3 days.

submitted by /u/4chanbiz
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