Saturday, 5 December 2020

I need an Android BCH address watcher

I used to use BTC wallet watcher but it no longer supports BCH. I scour the Play Store every six months looking for a simple app to watch paper wallet addresses and always end up empty handed. Yet there is half a dozen or so available for BTC:/ Can someone please point me in a direction I haven't looked, or else is someone out there with the know-how, free time and desire to make one happen?

submitted by /u/hero462
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Lawyer Warns Russian Crypto, Blockchain Exodus Has Already Begun

submitted by /u/bitcointothemoon_
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MicroStrategy has purchased approximately 2,574 bitcoins for $50.0 million

MicroStrategy has purchased approximately 2,574 bitcoins for $50.0 million submitted by /u/trakatan
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Lightning Adoption

Having used lightning myself, running my own lightning node, seeing it's awesome capabilities and utilities, I am asking myself:

  • Why haven't more exchanges adopted lightning yet, offering direct payouts to a lightning wallet?

  • Why are there only a handful of mature lightning wallets out there, shouldn't lightning be the standard way to transact with Bitcoin soon?

Wondering what the hurdles are or if it just takes time in general or if the next huge tx spike will boost lightning adoption.

What do you guys think about lightnings current adoption state and progress in general?

submitted by /u/Immediate-Host
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Can You Live on Bitcoin Cash in 2020? An Interview with Marc Falzon

Can You Live on Bitcoin Cash in 2020? An Interview with Marc Falzon submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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A big part of US BTC FUD just disappeared - "Bitcoin is Here to Stay... Nobody's Going to Ban Bitcoin"

A big part of US FUD just disappeared - do not fret - US Comptroller of The Currency "Bitcoin is Here to Stay... Nobody's Going to Ban Bitcoin" - Dec 4 2020

submitted by /u/usfjx
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Bitcoin ETF... Makes No Sense To Me. Can Someone Please Explain?

Can someone please explain to me the purpose of indexes and investment trusts launching Bitcoin ETFs?

I understand what ETFs are and I am invested in a few that cover several different sectors. However, I see all this talk of Bitcoin ETFs coming and... what, you're just buying an IOU of Bitcoin??? Why not just buy the actual coin???

This sounds a lot like Robinhood offering BTC for purchase, but actually you're not buying BTC, you're just buying the rights to hold BTC. This sort of thing would make sense for gold since gold is so hard to transport, but BTC can be sent in minutes.

Seems to me that Bitcoin ETFs are just a fancy shiny sticker to slap on the coin to entice the dinosaurs on Wall Street. Am I wrong? I would love an explanation because I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.

submitted by /u/ghostfacemonroe
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