Monday, 22 February 2021

A Lesson About Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt with Regard to Bitcoin Cash BCH

A Lesson About Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt with Regard to Bitcoin Cash BCH submitted by /u/lulwaat
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We did it! 5-6-7-8-9-10! Thanks everyone!

We did it! 5-6-7-8-9-10! Thanks everyone! submitted by /u/nerdook
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I became a father in January and I am buying bitcoin for my daughter!

Just a little bit each week should grow into a mountain by the time she turns 21. Don't you think?

submitted by /u/realQuickening
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I am a new btc buyer. can anyone explain BTC transaction fee? It is 8 %?

I am a new btc buyer. can anyone explain BTC transaction fee? It is 8 %? submitted by /u/CTS-bitcoin
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The BIGGEST misconception about bitcoin and privacy

The BIGGEST misconception about bitcoin and privacy submitted by /u/TheCryptoKang
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He gets it.

He gets it. submitted by /u/PrairieCryptoC
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If Adam Back's selling point to miners was that high fees would benefit them, why don't miners see that high fees will also push users onto Blockstream's "second layer" products, reducing their income?

Throughout all this the miners have been the most confusing to me. During the split I NEVER thought ANY let alone a majority of miners would fall for Blockstream's nonsense.

What logic are miners following to mine small blocks that will actively encourage uses to not use Bitcoin?

submitted by /u/AndyWarholWasAwful
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