Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Unconfirmed transactions

Hi all, bit of a newbie here but have never come across unconfirmed transactions with BTC yet. I was hoping someone can help me out with how long these transactions may take.


This is from over a week ago and


This one is from this morning. I see that the fees are pretty low, the trezor 'app' is really buggy sometimes when it comes to transaction fees.

Are these lost forever?

submitted by /u/theundiscoveredcolor
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq4xzw/unconfirmed_transactions/

Matrixport Dual Currency & Smart Trend for BCH

Matrixport Dual Currency & Smart Trend for BCH submitted by /u/CryptoStrategies
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq2nef/matrixport_dual_currency_smart_trend_for_bch/

Suck it Coreons, all that work for naught.

Suck it Coreons, all that work for naught. submitted by /u/i_have_chosen_a_name
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq6bxj/suck_it_coreons_all_that_work_for_naught/

“Just use a credit card.” Oh wait....

“Just use a credit card.” Oh wait.... submitted by /u/wakgill
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq50su/just_use_a_credit_card_oh_wait/

Ethereum: “ We're bleeding developers, users, future innovation right now. I've seen multiple posts and comments about people abandoning ETH leaving for another chain because of the fees.”

submitted by /u/Egon_1
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq4z33/ethereum_were_bleeding_developers_users_future/


WSB is a thing. It isn’t us. They YOLO on a all or nothing bet. They brag about the risk. They pride themselves in losses.

Good for them. Respect. Live and let live.

But Bitcoin isn’t about YOLO, or taking wild risks or being reckless for tendies.

We aren’t retards (their word) or autists (also their word).

Properly understood, Bitcoin isn’t a risky investment or a swing at the fences one time big play. We will make money because we are early adopters, but that is a side benefit of being part of something that is fundamentally strong, secure, and the future.

WSB is diamond hands. We are not.

submitted by /u/next_rounds_on_me
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The salt is strong with this one ... 🧂

The salt is strong with this one ... 🧂 submitted by /u/Egon_1
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lq3mbk/the_salt_is_strong_with_this_one/