Monday, 22 March 2021

My company refuses to pay me in Bitcoin , and my colleagues laughed when I asked

I work for a Software company, and this week I had a meeting with the CEO, we can submit questions anonymously so the CEO will reply those in the Q&A.

I asked if those who wanted, could be paid part of the salary or the bonus in Crypto, and not only the CEO said no, but everyone laughed, and started to make very ignorant comments and jokes about Crypto and Bitcoin like 'where is that money even coming from'. The CEO also used a patronising excuse : 'Bitcoin is too volatile'.

Now, I want to repeat this: it was a meeting in a Software Company. Most of the people working in the company are Developers, the kind of people who knows about Bitcoin, and should be able to understand it.

I used to think people will rush to buy Bitcoin when it will be at 100K, but I think I was wrong, and 'most people' will only rush into it when it is at $1M

Does any medium/big company pay in BTC?

submitted by /u/Remarkable-Party7382
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I wish Jihan Wu was active in this community

His ideas and support could really help move Bitcoin Cash forward.

submitted by /u/estebansaa
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“Bitcoin failed at what it set out to do.” Interesting discussion taking place on r/ethfinance regarding the lack of development for Bitcoin and what that has led to today

submitted by /u/0verview
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Reminder Bitcoin Nodes are purging low-fee transactions out of the mempool!

Reminder Bitcoin Nodes are purging low-fee transactions out of the mempool! submitted by /u/SoiledCold5
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Bitcoin before and after headlines

Bitcoin before and after headlines submitted by /u/The_Digital_Nugget
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Bitcoin searches on google double in Turkey after their currency drops 14% in one day

submitted by /u/yolodogewtf
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Worth to solo mine?

What’s everyone’s opinions and educated guesses about solo mining BCH?

My electricity runs about $0.10/kW h.

Any recommendations on what ASICS to use?

submitted by /u/ImageJPEG
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