Monday, 19 April 2021

Already back at $1k 🥳

Happy to see that there was no problem on the network and the price is already back up, that was a nice sale for sure

submitted by /u/CT4nk3r
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Bitcoin maxis will be on their way out as dominance continues to tank.

They will tell you dominance doesn't matter but they sure do let you know about it when it goes up.

When 90% Adam?

BTC dominance will go much lower than last time and wont bounce back as high. Mostly because we have stablecoins now and not as many people rely on the BTC pair.

Also most new people in the space see Bitcoin as old clunky coin, and they see maxi's as annoying boomers. (true)

I expect a few articles from Dan Held about how "Dominance doesn't matter" maybe with a flashy gif with his branding on it.

All the maxi's that pushed the "holding is using" and "SOV" narrative will be seen as clowns.

Of course they wont leave overnight. They will get louder and try to sound more "alpha" and tough than ever. Maybe they will show more meat cooking on the grill, or they will sell more personal items so they can stack more "sats".

I am looking forward to the comedy myself and you should too!

submitted by /u/Bitcoinawesome
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Which follows do you recommend in

Which follows do you recommend in

Don't be shy of recommending stuff outside of crypto. Those are especially welcome.

Honestly, I'm dying for any real competition to twitter that's integrated with crypto.

submitted by /u/diogovk
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Want to hire freelancers and professionals? Please, try :) It has great venezuelan freelancers!

Want to hire freelancers and professionals? Please, try :) It has great venezuelan freelancers! submitted by /u/oscar_salas93
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PSA: The incident that took a significant amount of hashing power offline yesterday did not interrupt service on BCH.

Despite the interruptions on the BTC network causing a backlog of transactions, slower block times and a spike in fees. Non of these issues impacted BCH because of its multitude of upgrades that have no counter part on BTC. Increased block size, 0 conf and most relevant currently the Assert DAA. BCH still is as fast and cheap as ever and resistant to infrastructure failure as well.

submitted by /u/wildlight
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$32 BTC transaction fees! 🩸🩸

$32 BTC transaction fees! 🩸🩸 submitted by /u/btcxio
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Thank you Coinbase

For letting me deposit money immediately to buy the dip but not showing up in my bank account for a few days so my wife doesn’t catch on right away.

submitted by /u/angrypooka
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