Monday, 17 May 2021

If you want to know exactly what's happening please watch this. Red pill no bs. It's sad this doesn't have more views.

If you want to know exactly what's happening please watch this. Red pill no bs. It's sad this doesn't have more views. submitted by /u/skinschamp1
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Bitcoiners when the dip hits.

Bitcoiners when the dip hits. submitted by /u/I-paint-things
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cheat sheet for talking to laser-eyed bitcoiners.

cheat sheet for talking to laser-eyed bitcoiners. submitted by /u/freetrade
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There will be bigger tests for Bitcoin, that is the point of Bitcoin

If you are new to Bitcoin, you need to understand that Elon's attention seeking is literally nothing new. it probably won't even matter in 3 months, we will be talking about something else.

I don't know if Bitcoin is going to 20K USD or 100K USD this year. All I know is Bitcoin works, the network works, it has the best development team in the world, it has survived every type of test that a budding alternative economic and social political system can face and it will continue to face these tests, and more people use and trust bitcoin than ever before.

I just checked and 1 BTC still holds, 100 million Satoshi. The network continues to run uninterrupted as it has since 2009, and Bitcoin still doesn't need permission from anyone to run.

This is the most important thing. You see Elon is just another person who cannot control Bitcoin, so he is forced to find something he can control, a tiny little network, that he can build his empire, his view of how things should be. Well, thanks Elon but that's precisely why I hold Bitcoin.

If you are here to get rich quickly, then Bitcoin may not be for you, the likelihood of getting "rich" by buying some fraction of Bitcoin is unlikely. If you are here because you are dissatisfied with the current systems and prefer a system that is driven by the individual, that is not a system swayed by prophets, or con-men, or messiahs or government edict, then this is the system. Believe me, Elon is not the first to smash his ego on Bitcoin nor will he be the last.

This is Bitcoin's way.

What you should be doing is enjoying the ability to trade worthless fiat at even better prices for Bitcoin thanks to easily influenced humans.

Finally if you are worried about Bitcoin crashing, Bitcoin always crashes this will always be the case. The reason Bitcoin crashes is not because Bitcoin crashes, it is because human beings are easily manipulated and they will crash, but Bitcoin just keeps on running it will be there tomorrow, next year, and more than likely next decade and the decade after that.

And I am very certain, that 1 Bitcoin will still hold 100 million Satoshis 10, 20 and 50 years from now. What a Bitcoin will be worth compared to some antiquated fiat currency, that will probably not even be in circulation, who cares.

Also this video is a helpful reminder that if you worry about Bitcoin crashing, you should not buy Bitcoin.

submitted by /u/dudetalking
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Me watching an engineer suggest simple scaling solutions and an army of trolls respond with lies, insults, technobabble, character assassination, and calls for censorship.

Me watching an engineer suggest simple scaling solutions and an army of trolls respond with lies, insults, technobabble, character assassination, and calls for censorship. submitted by /u/Thanah85
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This is not a war. Chill out or you'll turn it into one!

Elon, alt coins, BTC, stocks, manipulation. Blah blah blah blah blah. Has everyone forgotten what they came here for?

I'm from the USA and it's a two party system for a reason: to keep us divided. Reddit is an international means of communication, yet I see so much division. Division and distraction is the goal, to make us angry and confused. Is that what you want to be, angry and confused?

You're all doing a good job at it.

Do not let "the powers that be" sway you from your life goals. Invest and hold. Rinse and repeat. Stop putting blame on outside personalities, and live the life you choose to live. Pay yourself first.

Listen to yourself first, and no one else.

submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Disk81
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:) submitted by /u/aradhyamehra5
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