Monday, 14 June 2021

If I want to “retire” in 5 years, how much Bitcoin should I have now.

Retire is in quotes because I’m in my mid 30’s, so what I’m really talking about is financially independence.

I can live on less than $50k a year. I’m looking to replace that, but not live extravagantly. No Lambos.

I have other assets like real estate but for the sake of this hypothetical let’s assume I don’t. How much BTC do I need, and what’s my game plan (borrowing against it, etc)?

submitted by /u/DarmokDoge
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An open letter to Senator Warren

An open letter to Senator Warren submitted by /u/brovbro
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Where is everybody ?

Where is everybody ? submitted by /u/mishax1
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What do you think Bitcoin will do to the Real Estate market?

I saw this website offering homes for bitcoin and my next thought was....

Will the price of these homes keep going lower and lower on this page compared to the homes on or

Your projections?

submitted by /u/Spare_Photograph
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Wow. 10 years ago, Bitcoin crashed from $16 to $.01! Imagine buying Bitcoin at $.01?!!!

submitted by /u/KryptoWizard10
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This is GOOD NEWS! China’s bitcoin crackdown: Fourth-largest bitcoin-producing province joins the country’s moves against crypto mining.

This is GOOD NEWS! China’s bitcoin crackdown: Fourth-largest bitcoin-producing province joins the country’s moves against crypto mining. submitted by /u/Jethroe1
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Spanish language introductory bitcoin material needed

Spanish language introductory bitcoin material needed submitted by /u/fipasi
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