Saturday, 19 June 2021

volatility is your friend

volatility is your friend submitted by /u/NeedleworkerNo2874
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Did I just get shafted by

Hello, I tried to convert some amount of BCH to XMR via, from wallet to the Cake Wallet app and it appears I got taken to the cleaners... Anyone has had any good / bad experience recently?

submitted by /u/Neutral_User_Name
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Forex Analysis: Fundamental Vs Technical - Which One Should I Use?

submitted by /u/nagoyok
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Top comment linking to TxStreet on /r/Bitcoin REMOVED after BTC users say when compared to other coins "Bitcoin looks like an overcrowded poorly run train station in India"

Top comment linking to TxStreet on /r/Bitcoin REMOVED after BTC users say when compared to other coins "Bitcoin looks like an overcrowded poorly run train station in India" submitted by /u/FamousM1
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BCH post 2140

Assuming the goal of BCH is to keep block size large enough so that blocks are never full, how will miners continue to be incentivized to secure the network as the BCH reward reaches 0?

If blocks are never full, then there is no incentive for people transacting to pay more than a tiny amount in fees. With no competition for blockspace will fees ever be high enough to maintain a high enough hashrate to keep BCH secure?

submitted by /u/jelloshooter848
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A Sneak Peek to BCH's Future Marketplace: Official Roadmap Next Week - Open BETA Soon

A Sneak Peek to BCH's Future Marketplace: Official Roadmap Next Week - Open BETA Soon submitted by /u/CryptoMaxChute
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Stop overpaying fees, check the mempool before.

Stop overpaying fees, check the mempool before. submitted by /u/ayanamirs
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