Tuesday, 27 July 2021

United States is Leading with 48 Bitcoin ATM installations everyday.

United States is Leading with 48 Bitcoin ATM installations everyday. submitted by /u/andrytail
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I finally made my first purchase using BCH in my neighborhood

In the past year or so I've been slowly trying to pay for goods using crypto in some local stores. It's funny how I often feel pushy when asking them to try it. I've even offered free BCH to some — just so they could try it — and they wouldn't accept it.

The coffee beans' store owner was different, though. I didn't have to advocate much for it, he was already interested and trustful. Today I went there and took my wallet with me. He prepared a wonderful cup of coffee for us, and while drinking I answered some of his questions and told him about my own experience. I then chose some beans to buy and asked if he wanted to be paid in BCH. He happily accepted.

I've been using crypto for years but I think this is the first time I used it to pay for something in a physical store. Even better, it happened after personally introducing the technology to the merchant.

One thing I learned is that it's not effective to try to push it too much. The technology speaks for itself, and people will generally either like it or not based on their own experience and sources. If you're trying to spread adoption, focus on the people that are naturally open to it.

submitted by /u/giteeng
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/os4pox/i_finally_made_my_first_purchase_using_bch_in_my/

Little reminder to spread the love. Imagine if we all tipped just $1/week.. even $1/month would be great with a sub this big

Little reminder to spread the love. Imagine if we all tipped just $1/week.. even $1/month would be great with a sub this big submitted by /u/joshstc
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/os4z5m/little_reminder_to_spread_the_love_imagine_if_we/

Crypto education matters. Whichever ecosystem leads in education can get a leg up vis-a-vis other cryptos

Crypto education matters. Whichever ecosystem leads in education can get a leg up vis-a-vis other cryptos submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/os4otk/crypto_education_matters_whichever_ecosystem/

Early Crypto Exchange Boss Says China Remains 50/50 On Outright Bitcoin Ban

Early Crypto Exchange Boss Says China Remains 50/50 On Outright Bitcoin Ban submitted by /u/reddotarae51
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/os49gh/early_crypto_exchange_boss_says_china_remains/

I Made A Short Recap of The B Word Conference

I Made A Short Recap of The B Word Conference submitted by /u/ELeCtRiCiTy_zAp
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/os4gnd/i_made_a_short_recap_of_the_b_word_conference/