Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Congrats Talia & Olga who each onboarded 100+ new people to Bitcoin Cash as part of Panmoni's Bitcoin Agents Venezuela program.

Congrats Talia & Olga who each onboarded 100+ new people to Bitcoin Cash as part of Panmoni's Bitcoin Agents Venezuela program. submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pj4pse/congrats_talia_olga_who_each_onboarded_100_new/

The BCH community has won the vote, the next chain Hybrix with integrate will be SmartBCH.

The BCH community has won the vote, the next chain Hybrix with integrate will be SmartBCH. submitted by /u/i_have_chosen_a_name
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pj59fx/the_bch_community_has_won_the_vote_the_next_chain/

Protester in El Salvador: "It is not that we are against cryptocurrencies, or other crypto assets... but now this law is being proposed..."

Protester in El Salvador: "It is not that we are against cryptocurrencies, or other crypto assets... but now this law is being proposed..." submitted by /u/theygrabthemic
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pj5hbx/protester_in_el_salvador_it_is_not_that_we_are/

'30for30' Bitcoin Solidarity With El Salvador Trend Tries to Convince People to Buy $30 in BTC Tomorrow

'30for30' Bitcoin Solidarity With El Salvador Trend Tries to Convince People to Buy $30 in BTC Tomorrow submitted by /u/JonyRotten
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pj55lk/30for30_bitcoin_solidarity_with_el_salvador_trend/