Sunday, 3 October 2021

After reading the Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme Post from r/CryptoRealty ...

i instantly bought more BTC. How comes that people spend so much time one something and then still struggle understanding it?

Talking about this crap btw:

submitted by /u/amazing_mosti
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Prepare For A Huge Sell-Off - Robert Kiyosaki Bitcoin

Prepare For A Huge Sell-Off - Robert Kiyosaki Bitcoin submitted by /u/michalesalla
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Let have rates BTC

Let have rates BTC submitted by /u/Melanine_Bitch
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However bullish you are on NFTs, you are wrong. You are insufficiently bullish.

However bullish you are on NFTs, you are wrong. You are insufficiently bullish. submitted by /u/banet
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Anybody else think that some of the media hit pieces against El Salvador is just propaganda?

El Salvador making bitcoin an officially accepted currency must've scared the elite bankers. I'm surprised the guy hasn't been assassinated yet TBH.

submitted by /u/Abad_Cal_Gawayam
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Bitcoin Is the Most Peaceful Revolution — Borderless in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Bitcoin Is the Most Peaceful Revolution — Borderless in Kyiv, Ukraine. submitted by /u/Amber_Sam
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I'm a defi noob but I'm excited about smartBCH. Where do I learn the basics?

Hi everyone,

I love BCH and this community, and smartBCH is an exciting development.

But even though I keep seeing threads about new ways to interact with smartBCH, I have no idea how to get started, or how to determine who to trust.

I have common sense and I can see scamcoins and shitcoins a mile away, so I'm not asking about how to protect myself. I'm just asking how to get started with smartBCH and if someone can explain to me how services like Benswap/flexUSD and Hybrix work so that I can rest assured when I put my trust in those services.

I saw a thread a while back about how to connect Metamask to smartBCH so that I can interact with Benswap. Is that still the way to do things?

Also, can someone give a quick rundown of DeFi and how DeFi works in general, for the rest of us noobs who might be trying to dip our toes in?

Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/KallistiOW
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