Monday, 1 November 2021

Today we onboarded the first and more renowned music school into Bitcoin Cash @Otilca and also they radio station @OtilcaRadio. [Venezuela]

Today we onboarded the first and more renowned music school into Bitcoin Cash @Otilca and also they radio station @OtilcaRadio. [Venezuela] submitted by /u/MichaelTen
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🎖⛳BCH Sponsoring the Argentina Open - Major 1000 - 2021⚽🎖 We are happy to join as Official Partner of the Argentina Open 2021, and the Argentine Association of FootGolf.

🎖⛳BCH Sponsoring the Argentina Open - Major 1000 - 2021⚽🎖 We are happy to join as Official Partner of the Argentina Open 2021, and the Argentine Association of FootGolf. submitted by /u/BitcoinCashArgentina
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Ether Inferno: Ethereum Network Burned Over $2.4 Billion Worth of ETH in 87 Days

Ether Inferno: Ethereum Network Burned Over $2.4 Billion Worth of ETH in 87 Days submitted by /u/JonyRotten
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I want to make nfts with bch. how do i with bch?

I just have paper and pens and things. I want to put stuff up that i do on paper. Is it possible or i need to make it digital. Heres the kinda art

I think i know how to on meta mask and opensea but not with bch

submitted by /u/10YOredditandbitcoin
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BTC a good capitalism story

Bitcoin is born. No matter in the end who invented and why, it’s like the discovery of fire in history. Then capitalism, “uncontrolled capitalism” make btc a slightly different from the founders’ vision. But it was inevitable, I agree with that in part, because I believe more in the power of companies like Tesla or others and companies in general rather to go on another path diverging with the government rather than fighting it. True capitalism doesn’t care about governments, companies always find a way to dodge government restrictions. And they will probably succeed in opposing to the imminent law by the government to being taxed more, I bet all my btc, bch and crypto on the fact that they will dodge this restrictions even if they need to do that in a justice court. They are acting like vessels for btc, and even if there are a lot of that that’s rigged and conspire to seize btc like block stream we should all separate central government and central banks from companies in the end. Technologies always makes things cheaper, even a lightning network and sort of others off-chain improvements could be made by everyone person’s company, even yourself. BCH for me will be surely the best alternative for less developing countries, that will also grow as economic power (speaking about communities not governments). I know that there will be many disappointed here as usual, I would only like to say that if my guesses are correct, this is a much brighter vision than excessively complottists visions about BTC and central banks going along as friends. I like this Reddit but in the long run this sub will be a lesser anxious and complottist sub. The fact that here is like a nest of contrarian thinking people is wonderful. You are all doing a great job. Happy to make my parts. PEACE ☮️ HAVE FAITH IN SATOSHI.

submitted by /u/SatoshiNakamotoWife
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Exciting New LawPunk Updates!

Exciting New LawPunk Updates! submitted by /u/dinopawnz
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It's Bitcoin Whitepaper day! 🚀

It's Bitcoin Whitepaper day! 🚀 submitted by /u/wazirx
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