Sunday, 28 November 2021

Just YOLO’ed my inheritance into BTC.

Thanks memaw.

Edit: for those wondering how much I don’t want to say exactly…but it was either all-in on BTC or I could have bought 100,000 cans of tennis balls.

submitted by /u/DirtyMike01
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Best coin???

What is the best coin to buy right now? Why? How much do you own?

submitted by /u/DikChikDikChik
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Others will get Bitcoin... when it's too late

The other day I happen to mention to my manager that I was in to Bitcoin, his reply was 'Bitcoin is the biggest ponzi scheme ever and I won't be touching it, people must be stupid to buy it.' I just smiled and stayed silent, no need to try and change his mind, I'll look forward to when Bitcoin is $1 Million, quit my job and enjoy watching the sorry look on his face 😁 See ya!

submitted by /u/No-Energy4550
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Nocoiner of wallstreet [MEME]

Nocoiner of wallstreet [MEME] submitted by /u/redditormento
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newbie loser

Is buying $100 USD worth of BTC a week okay to start? Is there a better place to start other than Bitcoin. I turned 20 last week and one of my goals for my 20s is to financially invest in my future. I’ve lived alone for 2 years so I haven’t had the opportunity to save any money.. Should I be saving instead of investing?

submitted by /u/shitfacedbeauty
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Support Your Local Cantillonaire, Donate to the Printon Foundation Today!

Support Your Local Cantillonaire, Donate to the Printon Foundation Today! submitted by /u/Proof-of-Paint
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'We’ve All Decided Centralized Banking Is Rigged' — South Park Episode Features a Bitcoin-Only Future

'We’ve All Decided Centralized Banking Is Rigged' — South Park Episode Features a Bitcoin-Only Future submitted by /u/JonyRotten
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