Monday, 18 April 2022

Argentina's annual inflation rate soared to 55.1%

Argentina's annual inflation rate soared to 55.1% submitted by /u/Bitcoin__Hodler
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Bitcoin Is The Chessmaster of Sound Money and Finance

Bitcoin Is The Chessmaster of Sound Money and Finance submitted by /u/manauiatlalli
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Putting BCH wallet addresses in easter eggs in a scavenger hunt

Just an idea that randomly popped up in my head that can teach kids about blockchain technology on easter while also getting fun and stuff. Might want to sneak in a starburst or something in there as well.

submitted by /u/DrankTooMuchTequila
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Russia Proposes Legalizing Crypto as Legal Tender in Finalized Bill

Russia Proposes Legalizing Crypto as Legal Tender in Finalized Bill submitted by /u/Loud_Dingo7261
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Bitcoin Clings To $40K On Easter Sunday As Crypto Seen To Head Decrease In The Quick Time period

Bitcoin Clings To $40K On Easter Sunday As Crypto Seen To Head Decrease In The Quick Time period submitted by /u/Robert-Kenneth508
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Here's why Bitcoin will always be a better store of value than gold. Remember Executive Order 6102 signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to confiscate all of Americans' gold to finance his New Deal policies. Bitcoin cannot be confiscated.

Here's why Bitcoin will always be a better store of value than gold. Remember Executive Order 6102 signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to confiscate all of Americans' gold to finance his New Deal policies. Bitcoin cannot be confiscated. submitted by /u/sylsau
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