Tuesday, 3 May 2022

How to Use the Lightning Network to Save Money on Bitcoin Fees

It may be under the radar, but the Lightning Network continues to grow.

And you can use it to save some sats on BTC fees.


submitted by /u/thecryptovantage
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ugyune/how_to_use_the_lightning_network_to_save_money_on/

US attorney explains how United States Law protects Bitcoin

US attorney explains how United States Law protects Bitcoin submitted by /u/KAX1107
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There are so much bullish determinant in Bitcoin but the price isn't reflecting it yet. The Bitcoin mining difficulty and hashrate are both at all time highs, the institutional adoption of Bitcoin is growing and Bitcoin is legal tender in 2 nations. Every news is bullish

There are so much bullish determinant in Bitcoin but the price isn't reflecting it yet. The Bitcoin mining difficulty and hashrate are both at all time highs, the institutional adoption of Bitcoin is growing and Bitcoin is legal tender in 2 nations. Every news is bullish submitted by /u/Reahvenz
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The first time Munger said "Bitcoin is rat poison" was in 2013 when Bitcoin was trading just above $100 bucks. In 2018, around $9k Munger and Buffet doubled down on the exact same statement. Simply always do the opposite of what they tell you. Done.

The first time Munger said "Bitcoin is rat poison" was in 2013 when Bitcoin was trading just above $100 bucks. In 2018, around $9k Munger and Buffet doubled down on the exact same statement. Simply always do the opposite of what they tell you. Done. submitted by /u/castorfromtheva
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This Wednesday May 04th we have a Bitcoin Cash CONVERSATORY in CARACAS! Learn how to earn BCH online... (Your spread will help us educate more people).

submitted by /u/Joseignacioarajo
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ugx1w4/this_wednesday_may_04th_we_have_a_bitcoin_cash/