Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Bitcoin Self-custody As a Right in Bipartisan Bill Introduced By Senators Lummis & Gillibrand

Bitcoin Self-custody As a Right in Bipartisan Bill Introduced By Senators Lummis & Gillibrand submitted by /u/simplelifestyle
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The Federal Reserve recognizes a "satoshi" as money for the first time!

The Federal Reserve recognizes a "satoshi" as money for the first time! submitted by /u/Bitcoin__Hodler
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Tether De-peg: $USDT at 0.51 on Oasis

Tether De-peg: $USDT at 0.51 on Oasis submitted by /u/Egon_1
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“This Video Is From India”

submitted by /u/Ancapworld
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16TB SSD for under $30 on eBay, can store over 9 years of 32MB blocks, which may be its lifespan. I've ordered it, as well as a USB 3.1 adapter for $9 (5Gbps PCI-E, for PC mobo). (NB: I won't know if it's good until I get it...)

16TB SSD for under $30 on eBay, can store over 9 years of 32MB blocks, which may be its lifespan. I've ordered it, as well as a USB 3.1 adapter for $9 (5Gbps PCI-E, for PC mobo). (NB: I won't know if it's good until I get it...) submitted by /u/TinosNitso
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