Tuesday, 5 July 2022

[OC][Giveaway] Transform your home into a Hodlers universe. Write a comment and receive a free CRYPTOTAG Hodl Light. We will pick the winner in 24 hours. Good luck! 🧡

[OC][Giveaway] Transform your home into a Hodlers universe. Write a comment and receive a free CRYPTOTAG Hodl Light. We will pick the winner in 24 hours. Good luck! 🧡 submitted by /u/CRYPTOTAG_io
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Does anyone have a concrete explanation for this? Blocksize has been climbing steadily for a month while tx. count has been mostly flat. Is this Coinshuffle getting a workout or something?

Does anyone have a concrete explanation for this? Blocksize has been climbing steadily for a month while tx. count has been mostly flat. Is this Coinshuffle getting a workout or something? submitted by /u/Twoehy
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/vre4rd/does_anyone_have_a_concrete_explanation_for_this/

Should every crypto YouTuber that pushed Celsius, Voyager, Vauld, ...(more to come most likely) be sued?

Every single one of them when times were good "These platforms are safe, sign up with my affiliate link."

Every single one of them when times are bad and accounts are locked (funds are gone) "Not your keys, not your crypto."

submitted by /u/massagingyou
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The Bitcoin Cash Podcast #52: CoinFlex Capitulation & CashTokens feat. Max Hastings

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast #52: CoinFlex Capitulation & CashTokens feat. Max Hastings submitted by /u/Shibinator
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/vrea9o/the_bitcoin_cash_podcast_52_coinflex_capitulation/

Monday, 4 July 2022

my walk through deep ellum

my walk through deep ellum submitted by /u/DownRodeo404
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u/i_have_chosen_a_name is in full exit scam mode, removed YEARS of ALL his past comment/post history and ALL contact info

Looks like Matthijs Bos AKA Kain, has gone full exit scam. He convinced me over months to invest $26,000 in his stable coin through private messages.

I am an idiot but what he did was illegal. Selling a stable coin then not even trying to redem its value but ghosting all his investors.

Kain was always a weirdo but I didn't think he was a criminal. Please, anyone else holding his sBUSD token get in touch. He's takening your money and trying to run.

submitted by /u/ImRichBCH
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/vqoxui/ui_have_chosen_a_name_is_in_full_exit_scam_mode/

Which is more private for sending payments: Lightning network or Liquid Confidential Transactions?

I've found myself falling down the privacy rabbit hole the last few days and am looking for a TL;DR on the most private way to send bitcoin.

It seems Lightning Network is the most private way, but I am wondering if Liquid network might be better with it's confidential transactions?

submitted by /u/EnterShikariZzz
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