Monday, 19 December 2022

BNB Smart Chain AKA BSC (but FKA "Binance Smart Chain") isn't even really a blockchain, BNB isn't even really a cryptocurrency

submitted by /u/thenextsymbol
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Qui-Gon or more like Fiat-Gon

Qui-Gon or more like Fiat-Gon submitted by /u/Skyworthe
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Market Analysis from last year to current State

Market Analysis from last year to current State submitted by /u/Some-Championship941
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In Lebanon, people are resorting to bank robbery to access their own money : NPR

In Lebanon, people are resorting to bank robbery to access their own money : NPR submitted by /u/simplelifestyle
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“Anything that can be prevented, taken away, or coerced is not a person’s own — but those things that can’t be blocked are their own.” - Epictetus, Discourses 3.24.3

I wonder what the Stoics would have made of bitcoin?

submitted by /u/seventai
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🎙️Who’s Hungry?

🎙️Who’s Hungry? submitted by /u/RiiguyHATESHFUNDS
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