Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Understanding block explorers

Understanding block explorers

Hello everyone, I was wondering if you could help me understand a few basic things about block explorers. In this case the transaction was made from 1 address to another, but as you can see, there are 60 senders in the list.

If you click on the TX hash you can see all the 60 senders and the amounts I transferred are separated into 3 or 4 different transactions with different amounts (but the sum is equal to what I've sent).

I wanted to know why do these 60 senders appear here (and not only my transaction); why are the amounts split; and if you have any good reads about this topic.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Detektivo
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W3E announces a new series of Web3 Esport tournaments

W3E announces a new series of Web3 Esport tournaments submitted by /u/m0vi3drag0n
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Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Bitcoin dominates as primary focus for digital asset investors: Report

submitted by /u/Draft-Sufficient
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The recent spike in average block size has not had a significant impact on transactions fees so far.

The recent spike in average block size has not had a significant impact on transactions fees so far. submitted by /u/Braiins_mining
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Just checking. #Bitcoin

Just checking. #Bitcoin submitted by /u/CarlBMenger_
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Here we go again.

Here we go again.

A life without risks is not worth living. The risks that come with investing in SmartBCH will also translate into rewards. Don't be afraid of a little win when your boat is already at sea. Embrace the risk and reap the rewards.

submitted by /u/francis105d1
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The sad state of being a Bitcoin dev after having been harassed by frauds and scammers for a decade. Shame on them and shame on Bitcoiners not helping more.

submitted by /u/coinjaf
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