Thursday, 6 April 2023

Bitcoin's killer app:

Bitcoin's killer app: submitted by /u/Cryptophorus
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Convince a newbie to buy BCH instead of USDT,LTC etc.

submitted by /u/SchwarzeFlagge
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Official RGB website is up

Introducing - an official website created by the LBP/BP Standards Association to be your guide to all things RGB. From understanding how it works to steps on how to run it - the website is your ultimate informational resource in the process of getting familiar with the protocol.
It's in beta and there's a lot to be added content-wise, but the current release already gives a pretty exhaustive picture on the mentioned questions.
Let us know what you think!

submitted by /u/Olga_Ukolova
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Try Cashtokens NOW!

submitted by /u/fiendishcrypto
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